Working on some of my favourite things!

Life recently has been really busy both personally and at Bright Light Marketing as we hit mid July and the middle weeks of the summer holidays. At home we have been busy taking kids to and from grandparents, enjoying individual time together and enjoying the individual company of daughter and son cooking all their favourite foods, with our wee farm co-operative we have been looking after pigs and chickens in very muddy conditions and I have even managed a rare shop and visit to the cinema with friends.  Plus many many wet walks with the dog.  He likes indeed loves water but you can see even he is now getting fed up with non stop rain.  Its been a busy but enjoyable time all it has needed is the sun which two people have told me now might appear again in August I so hope they are right.  Feeling very vitamin D deficient just now which I am sure you can relate too.

Work wise we have been really busy.  Bright Light Marketing has now been in business for five years and I have been reflecting as I do about the business and how it has changed.  When we first started out my work tended to be project based so there could be times that I could be really busy and then times I would be quieter.  I was thinking the other day that this has changed.  Firstly as a business we have more retainer clients who we work with on a long-term basis and secondly as a great deal of my time now is taken up with carrying out social media for clients.  I was an early adopter to social media and could see its immediate benefits for marketing and communication.  And over the past couple of years I have consumed literature on the topic and learnt what works and doesn’t by personal experience and also by watching what others do.  As a result Social Media is a major part of our business which I am very proud of and must admit love doing.  And is a major reason why I spend so much time on social media platforms. Now you know I am not just a Facebook and Twitter addict I am working.

I love marketing mainly as I get a major buzz knowing I have helped a business get additional customers and I have assisted their business reach its goals.  And one of the benefits of Social Media for business is that it works and I love hearing from clients how they have got additional business as a result or have had feedback that it has raised the profile of their business.  So a big part of my work over the summer is social media.

I am also embarking on another of my favourite things which is carrying out a marketing plan.  We are working with a new client and yesterday held a marketing workshop with them which is the first stage of the process.  Now we are in the research part of the process, followed by the thinking process and then the writing of the plan.  I love the creative process of writing a marketing plan and really getting to know a new business and creating a plan that is right for them.  It gets my wee grey cells working overtime and I love that!

So far its been a very busy summer both personally and workwise.  I am enjoying it though just wish the rain would go away and the sun would come out.  And in that thought I know I am not alone!

About fionadranesblog

40 plus mum of two married with a mad cocker spaniel. Along with two colleagues run Bright Light Marketing a rural marketing agency who specialise in getting rural businesss noticed. Live in St Boswells in the wonderful Scottish Borders. Love books, walking and living life to the full here in the Scottish Borders though its sometimes a juggle!
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